Castello Sea Rock
The Castello Sea Rock® was the first finishing designed and used by Carlo Scotti since 1947.
In realizing this finishing, he has been inspired from the erosion created by the waves on the rocks.

Castello Natural Vergin
It was realized in the early ’60s to satisfy the request of numerous customers who wanted a gouged pipe with a natural finishing.

Castello Old Antiquari
The Castello Old Antiquari® finishing was born together with the Castello workshop. It has undergone many changes over the years. The sandblasting that originally was thin, became more pronounced and deeper, like the one currently used. Only the flare pipes are suitable for this type of finishing.

Castello Trade Mark
Castello Trade Mark® has always characterized the pipes with the classic Castello Red. Its color shades has changed over the years, but it continues to keep a natural origin: cochineal.

Castello ”Castello”
Castello “Castello” was born in 1947 and was the first finishing utilized for clear and blondes pipes.

Castello Collection
Castello Collection was born in 1947 and the brand was used to the clear and blondes pipes, whose quality was higher than the “Castello”.

Castello Collection: ”Occhio di Pernice”
The Occhio di Pernice® brand was born in the early 80s. In previous years the pipe characterized by this particular cut, were classified as “Collection”. Since 2003 the Occhio di Pernice pipes are graded according to the classic “K” scale of Castello.

Castello Collection: ”Fiammata”
Fiammata® brand was born in the early 60s. It marked pipes characterized by a beautiful, blaze burl.

Castello Collection: ”Greatline”
Its origin leads back to the 70’s, together with the ”Bigline” brand (no longer used).

Castello Collection: ”Greatline Fiammata”
An extremely rare mark, used every year for a small number of pipes.

Castello ”Perla Nera”
Castello Perla Nera® can be defined the Carlo Scotti’s dream; after being subjected to various experiments, this brand marks currently a glossy black pipe.

Castello ”Preziosa”
Its origin leads back to the 70’s, together with the ”Bigline” brand (no longer used).

Castello Epoca
Castello Epoca® is now a historic Castello mark that is no longer used. Epoca® was a classic from the ’60s that, with various studies and developments, saw the moccolotto candle become an increasingly defined drop candle.

Castello Flame
The first use of the Castello Flame® mark dates back to the 2000. It stands out for the special creations (evolution of the classic period) produced in limited and numbered edition by Castello in the 2000, 2001, 2002.